Tag menupopup

Defines a menupopup (see XUL menupopup element).

Tag Information
Tag Classorg.xulfaces.tag.menu.MenuPopupTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameNone

idfalsefalsejava.lang.StringEvery component may have an unique id. Automatically created if omitted.
renderedfalsefalsejava.lang.StringIf false, this component will not be rendered.
bindingfalsefalsejava.lang.StringComponent binding.
ignorekeysfalsetruejava.lang.StringIf true, keyboard navigation between menu items in the popup is disabled.
leftfalsetruejava.lang.StringOverrides the horizontal position of the popup specified by the showPopup function.
onpopuphiddenfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent to a popup after it has been hidden.
onpopuphidingfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent to a popup when it is about to be hidden.
onpopupshowingfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent to a menupopup just before it is popped open.
onpopupshownfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis is event is sent to a popup after it has been opened, much like the onload event is sent to a window when it is opened.
positionfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe position attribute determines where the popup appears relative to the element the user clicked to invoke the popup.
topfalsetruejava.lang.StringOverrides the vertical position of the popup specified by the showPopup function.
alignfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe align attribute specifies how child elements of the box are aligned, when the size of the box is larger than the total size of the children.(start,center,end,baseline,stretch)
alloweventsfalsetruejava.lang.StringIf true, events are passed to children of the element. Otherwise, events are passed to the element only.
allownegativeassertionsfalsetruejava.lang.StringValid on any element that has a datasources attribute. When multiple datasources are used, one may override an assertion from another. This attribute, if true, which is the default, allows a datasource to negate an earlier assertion.
coalesceduplicatearcsfalsetruejava.lang.StringValid on any element that has a datasources attribute. Because RDF holds a graph of resources, it is possible for there to be several pointers to the same node. If this attribute is true, which is the default, duplicate references are skipped. If false, duplicate references will appear.
collapsedfalsetruejava.lang.StringIf true, then the element is collapsed and does not appear. It is equivalent to setting the CSS visibility property to 'collapse'.
containerfalsetruejava.lang.StringSet to true if the element is to act as a container which can have child elements. This would be used for folders. This will be set by the template builder as needed.
containmentfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis attribute specifies RDF properties that indicate that a resource is a container.
contextfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe id of the popup element that should appear when the user context-clicks on the element
contextmenufalsetruejava.lang.StringAlternate name for the context attribute, but also has a corresponding script property 'contextmenu'.
datasourcesfalsetruejava.lang.StringA space-separated list of datasources that an element's template will use for content generation.
dirfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe direction in which the child elements of the element are placed.
disabledfalsetruejava.lang.Stringtrue, false or an EL expression returning a boolean value
emptyfalsetruejava.lang.StringSet to true if the element is a container that contains no children. This will be set by the template builder as needed.
equalsizefalsetruejava.lang.StringThis attribute can be used to make the children of the element equal in size.
flagsfalsetruejava.lang.StringA set of flags used for miscellaneous purposes. Two flags are defined, which may be the value of this attribute.
flexfalsetruejava.lang.StringControl flexibility.
heightfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe height of the element in pixels. It is recommended that the CSS height property be used instead.
hiddenfalsetruejava.lang.StringIf set to true, the element is not displayed. This is similar to setting the CSS display property to 'none'.
insertafterfalsetruejava.lang.StringWhen an element is in an overlay, the insertafter attribute specifies the id of the element in the base window that the element should appear after.
insertbeforefalsetruejava.lang.StringWhen an element is in an overlay, the insertbefore attribute specifies the id of the element in the base window that the element should appear before.
leftfalsetruejava.lang.StringFor elements placed within a stack, specifies the position of the left edge of the element.
maxheightfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe maximum height of the element. This corresponds to the max-height CSS property.
maxwidthfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe maximum width of the element. This corresponds to the max-width CSS property.
menufalsetruejava.lang.StringAlternate name for the popup attribute, but also has a corresponding script property 'menu'.
minheightfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe minimum height of the element. This corresponds to the min-height CSS property.
minwidthfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe minimum width of the element. This corresponds to the min-width CSS property.
mousethroughfalsetruejava.lang.StringDetermines whether mouse events are passed through each element of the element until one responds to it.
observesfalsetruejava.lang.StringSet to an id of a broadcaster element that is being observed by the element. If an attribute changes in the broadcaster it is also changed in the observer.
onblurfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe opposite of the focus event, the blur event is passed just as an element loses the focus.
onclickfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent when a mouse button is pressed and released. You can determine which mouse button was clicked by retrieving the button property of the event object. This event is also sent when the user double-clicks with the mouse. The detail property specifies how many clicks occured. You can also check for triple-clicks in a similar manner. For buttons and menus, you should use oncommand instead.
oncommandfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event handler is called when an element is activated. How it is activated varies for each element and in many cases, there are several ways to activate an element. For example, a button can be activated by clicking on it with the mouse or by pressing ENTER while it has the focus. Menus can be activated by selecting them with the mouse or by pressing a shortcut key. You should always use the oncommand event instead of onclick because it will be called in all of the needed cases.
oncommandupdatefalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event occurs when a command update occurs. You would use this to update the disabled status of items.
oncontextmenufalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent to an element when the user requests to open the context menu for the element. The action to do this varies by platform, but it will typically be a right click. This handler is usually used to dynamically set the commands on a menu when the user requests to display it, or you can use onpopupshowing event. Returning false from this event handler prevents the popup from appearing.
ondblclickfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is like the click event except it is only sent when the user double clicks with the mouse. This is an alternative to checking the detail property in the click event.
ondragdropfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent when the user releases the mouse button to drop an object being dragged. The element, if it accepts the drop, should respond in some manner such inserting the dragged object into itself.
ondragenterfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe dragenter event is sent when the mouse pointer first moves over an element during a drag. It is similar to the mouseover event but occurs while dragging.
ondragexitfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent when the mouse pointer moves away from an element during a drag. It is also called after a drop on an element. It is similar to the mouseout event but occurs during a drag.
ondraggesturefalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent when the user starts dragging the element, usually by holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse.
ondragoverfalsetruejava.lang.StringRelated to the mousemove event, this event is sent while something is being dragged over an element. The handler should indicate whether the object being dragged can be dropped.
onfocusfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe focus event is sent to an element when it receives the focus. Once an element has the focus, keyboard events are sent to it. The focus can be changed by clicking on an element or by pressing TAB to switch to the next element is sequence.
onkeydownfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe keydown event is sent to an element that has the focus and a key is pressed but not released.
onkeypressfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe keypress event is sent to an element that has the focus and a key is pressed and released. When the user presses a key, the keydown event is first sent, followed by the keypress event and then the keyup event. In a textbox, a user normally can hold down a key to repeat a character In this case, multiple sets of key events are sent as if the user rapidly pressed the same key repeatedly.
onkeyupfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe keyup event is sent to an element that has the focus and a key is released.
onmousedownfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent when the mouse is pressed on an element but not released.
onmousemovefalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent repeatedly as the mouse is moved over an element.
onmouseoutfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis mouseout event is sent to an element when the user moves the mouse outside the element. This event is the reverse of onmouseover.
onmouseoverfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent to an element when the mouse first moves over an element. You can use this event to provide feedback to the user.
onmouseupfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent when the mouse is released on an element.
onunderflowfalsetruejava.lang.StringThis event is sent to an element when there becomes enough space to display it at full size. This applies to boxes and other layout elements.
ordinalfalsetruejava.lang.StringAn integer which specifies the position of the element within its parent.
orientfalsetruejava.lang.StringUsed to specify whether the children of the element are oriented horizontally or vertically.(horizontal,vertical)
packfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe pack attribute specifies how child elements of the box are aligned, when the size of the box is larger than the total size of the children.(start,center,end)
persistfalsetruejava.lang.StringA space separated list of attributes that are maintained when the window is closed.
popupfalsetruejava.lang.StringShould be set to the value of the id of the popup element that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
positionfalsetruejava.lang.StringWhen an element is in an overlay, the position is an index where the child is inserted.
preferenceeditablefalsetruejava.lang.StringIf true, the element may be used as one that modifies a preference in a prefwindow.
reffalsetruejava.lang.StringFor template generated elements, this attribute is used to specify the root RDF node where content generation begins.
removeelementfalsetruejava.lang.StringWhen placed on an element in an overlay, it indicates that the element in the base file should be removed from the window.
sortDirectionfalsetruejava.lang.StringSet this attribute to set the direction the column is sorted. The user may change the sort direction by clicking the column headers (ascending,descending, natural).
sortResourcefalsetruejava.lang.StringFor template-generated content, this specifies the sort key, if you would like the content to be sorted.
sortResource2falsetruejava.lang.StringA secondary key for sorted content.
statustextfalsetruejava.lang.StringUsed to set the text that appears on the status bar when the user moves the mouse over the element.
stylefalsetruejava.lang.StringThe style.
styleClassfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe style class.
templatefalsetruejava.lang.StringFor template generated elements, this attribute may optionally be placed on the root node (the element with the datasources attribute) to refer to a template that exists elsewhere in the XUL code.
tooltipfalsetruejava.lang.StringShould be set to the value of the id of the popup element that should be used as a tooltip window when the mouse hovers over the element for a moment.
tooltiptextfalsetruejava.lang.StringUsed to set the text which appears in the tooltip when the user moves the mouse over the element.
topfalsetruejava.lang.StringFor elements placed within a stack, specifies the position of the top edge of the element.
updateSmoothlyfalsetruejava.lang.StringupdateSmoothly to true adds a UpdateZoneCommand to the bridge for the associated component. other values are false or an EL expression returning a boolean value
urifalsetruejava.lang.StringFor template-generated content, the attribute should be placed on the element where content generation should begin.
waitcursorfalsetruejava.lang.StringSet this attribute to true to have the cursor switch to a waiting cursor while the mouse is hovering over it.
widthfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe width of the element in pixels. It is recommended that the CSS width property be used instead.

No Variables Defined.

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